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Technology Rental

As technology budgets evolve, more and more costs are being shifted from upfront capital outlays to monthly payment subscriptions. More businesses are considering pivoting away from capital expenditure for the procurement of their technology and digital assets and exploring how OPEX and finance models could benefit them. 


Why is CAPEX an outdated form of technology procurement?

CAPEX procurement generally creates a few poor IT governance habits that we have seen across all industries.


1. Impromptu Procurement: Leads to quick, uninformed decisions, encourages using assets beyond their intended life, and overlooks opportunities for bulk purchases or favorable negotiations.


2. Undefined Asset Lifespan and Overuse: Without clear life expectancy, asset management becomes unpredictable, risking higher maintenance costs and downtime from using assets past their warranty period.


3. High Initial Costs: Significant upfront technology investments delay system updates, complicating budgeting and leading to extended use of outdated assets.


Why Technology Rental?

Renting Hardware is a cost effective way accessing the best technology, preserving capital and managing all total cost of operating your technology. Creating a rythm to your techonolgy expenditure. Operationalising IT procurement can have a variety of benefits to the business at every level.


Improve Cashflow.

Increase Flexibility

Fixed monthly Cost.

with no more to pay

No Data Destruction Costs.

 No Decommisioning costs.

Simple Application.
One Monthly Payment.

Set and Forget.



Optimal Asset


Efficient Governance

Outsource Technology



Zeal Technology Rental Calculator


The Commercial Benefits of Technology Rental

1. Improve Cashflow by reducing the capital intensive requirements of IT Hardware.

2. Develop sustainable processes for procuring, utilising and decommissioning IT Hardware.

3. Revolutionise the employee experience and by reducing downtime and maximise efficiency by giving your staff the tools they need to get the job done.

Want to streamline your IT procuremnt process?  Contact us Now!

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